BizHawk TurboGrafx 16 / PC Engine emulator

TurboGrafx / PC Engine emulatorBizHawk is a multi-platform emulator and emulates lots of systems, including the TurboGrafx 16 / PC Engine console. You can also record gameplay videos with BizHawk, but that's something we don't cover in this tutorial. Some details about the emulator:

  • Latest version 2.9.1 (3 May 2023)
  • Works on Windows 11 or Windows 10 (only 64 bits)
  • Emulates lots of gaming systems, including the TurboGrafx 16 / PC Engine
  • Supports lots of rom/tape/disk files, including .pce for TurboGrafx 16 / PC Engine
  • Comments: nice intuitive graphical UI, emulates lots of systems
  • Project website

How to play TubroGrafx 16 / PC Engine games on Windows 11 or Windows 10?

Below we'll explain how to get the TurboGrafx 16 / PC Engine emulator running on Windows and play some games with it.

  • Download the latest version of the prerequisites package
  • Copy the contents of the downloaded zip file to a folder of choice (for example d:\temp)
  • Run the d:\temp\bizhawk_prereqs.exe file by double clicking it and follow instructions
  • Download the BizHawk multi-platform emulator (
  • Copy the contents of the downloaded zip file to an empty folder of choice (for example d:\emulators\BizHawk)
  • Create a folder "games" in the folder where the BizHawk files are
  • Download a TurboGrafx 16 / PC Engine game, for example R-Type
  • Copy the downloaded zip file to the "games" folder you've created
  • Start BizHawk by double clicking the EmuHawk.exe file in the BizHawk folder, in this example d:\emulators\BizHawk\EmuHawk.exe.
    • When the emulator indicates it needs the Microsoft .NET framework 4, you need to download and install that as well:
    • Download the .NET 4.0 installer (click on Download .NET framework 4.0 runtime button)
    • Save the installer file in a folder of choice (for example d:\downloads\)
    • Double click the installer file and follow instructions (in this example d:\downloads\dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe)

Play R-Type with the BizHawk emulator

When the emulator has been installed and you've started the emulator, do the following:

  • Choose the downloaded game to run with File - Open ROM
  • Navigate to the folder with your game and open it (in this example d:\emulators\BizHawk\games\)

Configure the controller / keys

When you've started a TurboGrafx 16 / PC Engine game, the default keys are as follows:

  • Up: up arrow key
  • Down: down arrow key
  • Left: left arrow key
  • Right: right arrow key
  • Select: v key
  • Start: enter key
  • B2 controller button: Z
  • B1 controller button: X

To change these, do the following:

  • Go to Config - Controllers
  • Click the input field of the button / controller option, for example P1 Up. The field will turn light blue
  • Press the desired key on your keyboard
  • To use one of your mouse buttons, click on the arrow next to the input field and choose one of its options
  • To erase the input field and start over, click it and press esc
  • When ready click the Save button